LAST UPDATED: 03/25/2025
- Continued work on the internet shrine.
- Flexbox hates my guts, actually. I'm struggling to set up the pngs.
- Hoping to add a spot for people to leave their own offerings so that their site can be blessed as well.
- Linked the shrine to the media page!
- Started work on the internet shrine. Had to kitbash some pngs.
- Honestly the best way to do this would be to do what I did on my homepage, but I forgot what I did.
- Updated my best friend's site button and links to his site.
- Updated Tama memorial. Goodbye Pike
- Added the Can of Worms review to the movies page
- Added a carniverous plants FAQ page to the sites page.
- Added marquees of relevant blinkies to the media page, just to add some interest and because I have nowhere else to put them.
- Trying to figure out how to make some of them go left instead of right
- Added Phantom of the Paradise review to movies page
- Updated the tama memorial. Goodbye Trout...
- Worked on and mostly completed the movies page
- Order of business: need to add a back button to my media pages. It's probably gonna be the same image but I want to figure out how to make it hover in the top corner without fucking up the flexbox alignment.
- Linked the movies page to the media page.
- Fixed a scroll overflow issue on the media page.
- Fixed up the books page a little bit and made it look a little nicer.
- Linked the books page to the media naviagtion page.
- Added reviews of completed books
- Changed the media page links: only links that lead somewhere will glow when hovered over. No use in having four links to the construction page. also makes it more obvious which pages are done and ready to view.
- Added little halos to Tamas past.
- Added Mametchi (Trout) to the Tama page. She's not dead, but the Tamagotchi Connection works a little differently, so I still put her on there for documentation purposes.
- Added a homepage signpost to the media page.
- Began work on the books page.
- Began work on the Tama Memorial page.
- Finished up and linked the Tama Memorial to the media navigation page.
- Removed one movement from orchestra repertoire.
- Added a new image to The General's gallery.
- Created and linked the media navigation page to the homepage!!!!!!
- Updated spring concert repertoire!
- Updated the 5-song tracklist on the music page
- Adjusted the CSS for the Schrecknet webring widget, which I was not aware had finally gone through!
- Created a page for Jean-Paul!! My most special boy
- Linked Jean-Paul's page to the General's via a png of a truck.
- Began work on the General's character page.
- Pretty much got all of the information up and running, just need to fix the CSS to be a little more fitting and look a little nicer.
- Officially opened the General's character page.
- Put together a template for my travel blog!
- Haven't linked it to the main page though.
- Added a new image to the Icarus page!
- Changed my status on the homepage.
- Added my artfight page to the sites page
- Added gleefulpebble's site button to the marquee.
- Made a minor edit to the Icarus Spiros page.
- Removed old repertoire and wrote down when it would return.
- Changed the website announcement bulliten to be a little more flexible.
- Finished adding information to Nailgun's page
- Linked his page to the character hub and removed the construction tape
- Started and finished the Icarus Spiros page- phew! There were a lot of images.
- Fixed a small typo in the code (thx Magnets) and removed the construction tape.
- Started and finished HERETIC's page. Will probably add more details when I'm not so tired.
- Added a border to the text so that it would be legible
- Started the work on Nailgun's page.
- Basically all of the images and style is updated, now I just have to change the information.
- Started Vitus' page. Can't find a good background for him.
- Finished Vitus' page, pretty much. Looks kinda bland still. Might spruce it up later.
- Linked the page to the vamp hub and took down the construction tape.
- Figured out my font issue. Firefox doesn't like loading my .tff files so. I converted them all to .woff and they work now!
- Working on decorating Mortis' page.
- Added return links in the header of the page
- Added a scrolling marquee of thematic blinkies to the vamphub.
- Added a Blades door to the main character hub
- Added construction tape to doors with no page behind them
- Began work on Cato's page
- Pretty much finished Cato's page, save for any further decoration.
- Began work on the Mortis page for my character hub!
- I'm using a template but hoping to mess with some of the style stuff later (but I'm leaving the Java alone)
- Got pretty much all the info onto Mortis' page, but I'm sure I'll add more as I remember things I forgot.
- Still to do: "pretty up" the page with graphics, add a "back" button and a "home" button (in the header I commented out maybe?), figure out why I can't upload fonts
- Added new Dew Review: Game Fuel Citrus Blackberry
- Added tooltips to the homepage to replace the map legend!
- Replaced map legend with identity-related blinkies
- Began work on the character hub, which involved learning how to use drop-shadows!
- Pretty much finished the character hub, even though it doesn't go anywhere yet.
- Updated jazz band repertoire after our last concert
- Created AND finished the Vampire Hub.
- Next order of business: I think I'd like to make a marquee of relevant blinkies on the vampire page.
- Added solo tenor repertoire to music page
- Updated orchestra repertoire to current concert cycle: Christmasfest material!
- Refreshed the "I'm Listening To" section of the music page
- Finished adding all the Dew Reviews!
- Added content to the Wishlist and the Ranking.
- Put a "home" button and a "return to top" button on the dew page
- Added Dew page link to the homepage
- Added the Mtn Dew wiki to the sites page
- Gave the dew page an icon.
- Added a bunch more of the Dew Reviews.
- Started work on the Dew page!
- Got a template from EGGRAMEN and adjusted the CSS to be a little more. Green.
- Collected all of my Dew images, set up the Dew Review section.
- Struggling with external fonts. lol
- Made an external document putting all of the Dew Reviews in chronological order.
- Began inputting Dew Reviews.
- Fixed flexbox issue with the info boxes.
- Added info to the infoboxes!
- Changed the infobox background
- Added flexbox froggy to the sites page
- Added the sites link to the homepage map!
- Added several webrings, though I'm only in one of them so far
- Added fish to the sites page!
- Gave the fish a castle :]
- Added Normal Album blinkie
- Added my buddy magnets' webbadge to my sites page :]
- Gave the sites page an icon
- Added some boxes for information, but haven't fixed the flex yet
- Began work on the sites page!
- Added background graphics to sites page
- Got the sites button marquee working
- Updated orchestra repertoire after our most recent concert cycle ended
- Aligned text blocks for journal image
- Created my about page!
- Uploaded rope png and blinkies to the homepage
- Changed font of announcement title
- Added moveable coins on the homepage!!
- Created a very very basic "under construction" page to link to things that aren't finished yet
- Gave the changelog an icon
- Set up a custom cursor for the homepage
- Uploaded compass gif and guestbook png, using flexbox to align them with the other things
- Added the website announcement text!
- Next course of action: decorate the page!! Blinkies and gifs incoming >:]
- Got map to center, got buttons to center! Thanks pal :]
- Placed buttons for main page, music page, and changelog. Woo!
- Placed WIP buttons for other pages.
- Moved Wolfgang to the new homepage
- Added a piece of paper stuck to the homepage with a knife! This will be the news bulliten on the homepage itself.
- Created map image!
- Uploaded image. it won't center for some reason.
- Uploaded a silly icon for the homepage.
- Added Wolfgang :]
- Started mockup of main page design!
- Created html file to use to work on the main page before its done
- Added music players to the music page! They're functional, but need to be spaced differently.
- Added KSTO streaming link to music page- image needs to be adjusted.
- Added "return to homepage" button on music page.
- Decorated the music page with an array of beautiful gifs :]
- Edited KSTO link with a custom blinkie to fit the space better
- Changed site icons for homepage and music page
- Added album cover images to music page
- Attempting to use flexbox to align text in the large windows. Why is it overlapping.
- Updated the music page large window completely! All that's left is images, music, and finishing touches.
- Adjusted window on main page to describe active pieces of the project
- Began transfer of changelog from offline document to in-site
- Added "currently working" and "currently working on" sections to main page
- Added "return to homepage" link on changelog page plus edited link color
- Created digital mockup of the music page
- debugged and streamlined my code, essentially fixing the entire page.
- Set up a majority of the welcome and listening window
- Attempting to use flexbox to set up the text in the largest window
- Added and linked the changelog page. Formatting and style unfinished.
- Created website badge
- Linked the badge on the main page of the site
- Linked the music page to the homepage in the navbar
- Tried and failed to add a disco ball gif to the music page
- Updated font for music page to Fixedsys
- Created music page and associated style page
- Updated images for music page
- Battled the Confusing White Bar every time I tried to move the windows around due to my template messing with my code
- Changed text and colors in the template
- Added fish image
- Created website!!!!
- Used a template from to set up a basic format
- Added code to use Quantico as the base font (my fave font)